“Guests” Have Come to Settle in Our Brains
MicroplasticsPlastics TreatyBiodegradable plastics

“Guests” Have Come to Settle in Our Brains

This article will first look at side effects of chemistry. The real issue, however, is our reluctance to acknowledge and respond rationally to the negative externalities of our society’s cherished achievements of modern science.
Beneficial Artificial Intelligence Can Cast a Dark Shadow
Artifical IntelligenceEthics

Beneficial Artificial Intelligence Can Cast a Dark Shadow

Although still relatively new technological phenomenon, AI is proliferating and categorising the multitude of different expressions is difficult. The aim here is not to discuss regulation comprehensively but to look at one small point in the overall picture. This article follows a single thin line, focusing on one particular type of AI that aims to assist youth in making carefully considered choices. The benefits of this may be obvious but there is also the potential for severe harm.

Martin Bartels

The Perception of Time and its Impact on Senior Decision Makers

The Perception of Time and its Impact on Senior Decision Makers

We are used to thinking of corporate success as an expression of a company’s bottom line and the profits it accrues. However, success is a relative phenomenon and different stakeholders perceive success differently. The perception of their respective interests and the extent to which these are aligned have an impact on the way the company is managed and, in particular, on the risks taken.

Martin Bartels

The Water Challenge

The Water Challenge

Comprehension is the Bottleneck, not Science and Engineering

Martin Bartels

Immigration to the European Union

Immigration to the European Union

Strategy versus Sleepwalking

Martin Bartels

Will We See a Common Currency for the BRICS States?

Will We See a Common Currency for the BRICS States?

Europeans have witnessed the process of introducing a common currency, with other countries joining over time, for almost a quarter of a century, and the euro has generally been economically beneficial. Behind the BRICS countries' plan for the creation of a common currency, however, are different intentions, and the comparison with the euro is therefore not suitable. Nonetheless, the question arises under which conditions the BRICS states’ plan could lead to a similar success.

Martin Bartels

Impulsive Thinking and what E-scooters and Wolves Teach us to Cope with it

Impulsive Thinking and what E-scooters and Wolves Teach us to Cope with it

It is both exciting and instructive to see how a modern society that sees itself as open and agile reacts when material changes make it necessary to adjust the existing social consensus. Yet the path to a new state of equilibrium does not always follow logical rules. Deep-rooted habits of thought and emotional processes can hinder consensus formation especially with the emergence of different camps of opinion that inevitably confront each other with increasing animosity. Both the press and social media tend to exacerbate the polarity by pouring what amounts to jet fuel on the fire of public opinion.

Martin Bartels

Dialogue with Natural Language AI Machines

Dialogue with Natural Language AI Machines

Martin Bartels

Global Warming: The Procrastination Conundrum

Global Warming: The Procrastination Conundrum

The number of people on Earth has exceeded 8 billion. What happens when all of them are exposed to a collective risk? How should citizens, governments, businesses and organisations respond? Under what conditions could we develop and implement a strategy of coordinated measures to defend ourselves? This article compares two real-life threat scenarios that triggered a decisive and carefully planned action in one case, and a weak response in the other. The comparison aims to kickstart a discussion on how to respond to the second threat.

Martin Bartels

Stupidity: Are We Looking in the Wrong Direction?

Stupidity: Are We Looking in the Wrong Direction?

Martin Bartels

Lichtenberg's Hourglass Question

Lichtenberg's Hourglass Question

Sometime in the late 18th century, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg jotted down a question in one of his many notebooks, which remain a valuable and often amusing source of inspiration to this day:

Martin Bartels

Like a Flash of Lightning from a Blue Sky

Like a Flash of Lightning from a Blue Sky

Martin Bartels

Central Bank Digital Currencies in the Fog

Central Bank Digital Currencies in the Fog

Martin Bartels

Great Masters Stuck in No Man's Land

Great Masters Stuck in No Man's Land

Many artists, scientists and engineers are compelled to spend long periods of their lives at the sacrifice of wealth and lack of recognition until the fruit of their labour becomes visible. Many of them live with the risk that the value of their life's work will be recognised only after their demise. This is why they need not only talent for their achievements, but qualities of determination, absolute concentration on their field, perseverance, the ability to constantly question what they have achieved in order to improve it, as well as discipline to a degree that is hardly imaginable for uninitiated people.

Martin Bartels

Metaverse: Taming the Genie

Metaverse: Taming the Genie

Martin Bartels

Dreamworld Business Models in 1822 and 2022

Dreamworld Business Models in 1822 and 2022

Martin Bartels

Who Will Orchestrate the Repair of Ecosystems?

Who Will Orchestrate the Repair of Ecosystems?

For any fight in the general interest, leadership is needed to avoid failure. So, at this vital conjuncture who will take the helm? Such a question is unlikely to be frictionless as leadership on climate is almost certainly bound to move away from the liberal dogma of free markets being allowed to fix themselves. Politically, governments and leaders may also be reticent to move outside the status quo if they feel it might lose them elections.

Martin Bartels

Högertrafikomläggningen: Learning from the Swedes on Coping with Climate Change

Högertrafikomläggningen: Learning from the Swedes on Coping with Climate Change

Martin Bartels

The Return of Collateralised Money

The Return of Collateralised Money

The lifeblood of the modern world, money, remains a divisive subject and often evokes strong emotions. This is mainly because a good part of the effort in the course of a human life goes into acquiring and maintaining money. Terms such as "inflation" or "high taxes" frequently arouse fear, shame and perhaps even aggressive thoughts.

Martin Bartels

Are We Infatuated With Complexity?

Are We Infatuated With Complexity?

Martin Bartels

Programmers and Cheese-makers, Unite!

Programmers and Cheese-makers, Unite!

Martin Bartels

From Distrust to Trust

From Distrust to Trust

Martin Bartels

Video Meeting Culture

Video Meeting Culture

In recent months most of us have rushed from one online video meeting to another. Some of these meetings we have found frustrating, others not.

Martin Bartels

The Case for the Abolition of Coins and Banknotes

The Case for the Abolition of Coins and Banknotes

Martin Bartels

What an Officer of the Soviet Strategic Missile Forces Taught us on Extreme Risk

What an Officer of the Soviet Strategic Missile Forces Taught us on Extreme Risk

Martin Bartels

Do Sabre-toothed Tigers Explain Modern Conspiracy Theories?

Do Sabre-toothed Tigers Explain Modern Conspiracy Theories?

Martin Bartels

COVID-19 in 8 Verticals

COVID-19 in 8 Verticals

Martin Bartels